Our Clinics: Queen Anne (Temporary Closed) | Ballard | Roosevelt

Insurance and Payments

image of front desk assistant helping person fill out paperwork.

At Eye Clinics of Seattle, our goal is promote good eye health and enable you to have the clearest vision possible. We accept several types of vision insurance, cash, checks, and most credit cards. We inform our Seattle patients about exam and treatment costs at the beginning of your appointment. If you require a breakdown of costs, please let us know.

Vision Insurance

The knowledgeable staff at Eye Clinics of Seattle is experienced in working with vision insurance providers. We will work directly with you and your vision insurer to submit claims regarding your vision care. We strive to ensure that you understand your insurance coverage and will answer any questions you may have regarding your benefits. Many current vision plans are designed to cover many of the basic vision-related costs, but not all costs associated with eye care. Most plans often require a co-payment for an office appointment as well as additional costs that are covered by the insured patient.

Contact our office at (206) 282-8120 to find out if your insurance provider is accepted in our office or for more information about your vision coverage.

Flexible Spending Accounts

Many employers are offering Flexible Spending Account (FSA) options to employees. Sometimes these are referred to as cafeteria plans and are elective, supplemental insurance savings plans. These plans are designed to let you save money in an account, pre-tax, to pay for additional medical expenses such as eye exams, glasses, contacts, and often laser vision surgery. Check with the benefits administrator at your work to see if you are eligible for this program. FSAs can typically be used in conjunction with any vision insurance plan to offset any out-of-pocket costs on your behalf.

Other Payment Options

Our Seattle optometry staff understands that cost is a concern when evaluating vision care providers. We do not want cost to be an obstacle to maintaining proper eye health and good vision. We accept various forms of payment and are able to discuss financing options with you prior to any examination. At Eye Clinics of Seattle, we also accept cash, check, and major credit cards. Call (206) 282-8120 today to schedule your eye exam today.

In-Network Insurances:

  • VSP (Vision Service Plan)
  • Regence, Premera, most Blue Cross Blue Shield plans
  • Kaiser Permanente (PPO plans only!)
  • Lifewise
  • Aetna (for medical visits; out of network with AetnaVision/EyeMed)
  • Medicare Part B and some Medicare replacement plans

Out of Network Insurances:

*We are happy to see you for an appointment even if you have an insurance listed below! You are more than welcome to pay out of pocket for your visit and we will provide you with an itemized receipt and assist with filling out any out-of-network forms for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

  • Davis Vision , EyeMed (AetnaVision), Blue2020 or Blue View VIsion, Spectera VIsion (United Vision), NBN Vision
  • Medicaid/DSHS/Apple Health/Community Health Plans
  • Kaiser HMO

*Please keep in mind, many insurance companies contract out your vision coverage to another insurer (VSP being one of the most common). Although we may be in-network with your medical plan, we may not be in network with your vision plan. Our office is NOT in-network with NBN, Eyemed, Spectera, or Davis Vision. We are happy to provide out-of-network submission paperwork to patients who are insured through those organizations.

Many of the insurances listed above have plans that require you to be seen by a specific network of doctors that we are not part of, or require a referral by your primary care physician prior to your appointment (HMO plans). Please reach out to your insurance company to determine your eligibility and potential referral requirements.

If you don’t see your insurance plan on this list, please give us a call and we would be happy to verify your coverage and benefits!</p>

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